The past two days I have spent learning how to make soap! Soap making is an activity that the Rural Enterprises Project (REP) supports through running training sessions on how it’s made and business training for startup businesses run out of the Business Advisory Centre (BAC). Rabi Anyoka, the head lady of the household I am living in, runs an empowerment centre for girls from a village in West Gonja, training them in seamstress skills, soap making, and tie and dye, along with leadership skills and basic numeracy and literacy. She learned how to make bar soap about a year ago through a training session facilitated by the BAC. After receiving a grant and some credit, she has created a soap making and training workshop and invested in some of the start up materials. Even though she is a true entrepreneur, she is still struggling. A one year payback period on a loan is very difficult, especially when the monthly payment is substantially greater than the monthly profit. Depicted below are some pictures taken as I learned about how to make soap. Lessons learned…its long, hard work and African women are strong!
Process of Making Bar Soap:
1. collect materials (coconut oil, buckets, scoops, caustic soda, water, soda ash, perfume, mixing spoons, hydrometer, rubber gloves, moulds, plastic bags, tables, and cutting equipment)
2. the moulds are set on the table and lined with plastic
3. mix caustic soda (NaOH) and water measure out the volume and ensure correct level of acidity (pH) with the hydrometer (Note, the solution is corrosive! Gloves should be used when handling this liquid)
4. mix 10 L of coconut oil, 1 scoop of perfume, 1 scoop of soda ash, and the measured volume of caustic soda and water into a large mixing bowl
5. the contents are mixed for about 10 minutes or less, in the same direction at an average speed (don’t mess around here, or you will spoil the batch!)
6. the contents are poured into the moulds (caution, heavy lifting!)
7. These are left to dry for approximately 2.5-3 hours until they are white in colour. The tops are leveled out with a scrapper as the cooling occurs.
8. the moulds are removed, and the scrapper is used to clean up all sides of the block of soap
the block of soap is brought to cutting board, and pushed through to slice it into 10 long rectangles (caution, very difficult!)
9. these are pushed through another cutter to create square blocks
these blocks are carried back to the table, and all 6 sides are stamped with the logo (time intensive)
10. the blocks are placed outside to dry in the sun
11. the bars of soap are collected and stored inside
12. bars of soap are distributed to various sellers to sell at the market and in villages

In working with REP this summer, I will be trying to evaluate the services the BAC provides, and see in what ways I can increase the capacity of this office to improve their services. Since I have been out with malaria for the past week (I know, leave it to me to get it as soon as I get off the plane), I have made little headway at the office, but have spent valuable time learning about the struggles and activities of the clients we are working to help. One area I am interested in learning more about is to what extent creativity and innovation is encouraged and fostered in training sessions. Training 30 women in how to make soap doesn’t seem that sustainable unless the women are able to diversify and improve upon the initial training. However, easier said than done, as I observed that to experiment and try to be different is risky, and when you have a family to feed and limited supplies, to spoil a batch of soap is perhaps more significant here than it would be at home in Canada. It was dually noted that machinery would have helped the process along. However, I am going to tread lightly here, because I think a machine would be a band-aid solution, not a real solution to the problem. If I could identify someone in town who could design a machine, and make it themselves, then more business is being created from training one woman how to make soap. Training one woman how to make soap does not just improve her own livelihood, but trickles down to many others. For instance, it created work for the carpenter who built the moulds and cutter, it provided a product to be sold for women struggling to earn income, it creates more business for the oil producers, it promotes sanitation, and so on.
dear kim
my name is judith and i am writing to you from nairobi kenya, after the violence that rocked our country i am now empowering young people with skills that can support them and i really like the article on kim in ghana, i dont know how to make bar soap but would really like please can you help with the actual amounts / measurements of the ingredients
Hi Kim,
Your doing a great job. keep it up. hope that there were more people like you.
I am a soap machine manufacturer and would like to be of some help. Please contact me on
It will be my pleasure to make any soap die punch FREE OF COST.
Please give me an chance to be of some help.
Best regards,
Alton Figuerado
dear kim
my name is Mary in Ghana, Takoradi i dont know how to make bar soap I will be greatful if you can teach me how to make the bar soap. Kim, I am a single partenr without any help from anybody. I know by doing the soap can help me and my children, Kim, plse help me.
Please contact me on
It will be my pleasure to make any soap die punch FREE OF COST.
Please give me an chance to be of some help.
Best regards,
hi,i search on the internet and cam across your website my name is kafui a 24y old and have some little capital and intrested in setting up samll liquid or bar soup factory .i would be gald if yu could give some guid line or help.thanks kafui
Hello Kim, I would like your help in assessing the request of some people who are living in Ghana for financial support. They want to start a soap production and have given me a list of prices for the materials. I would be glad if you could check it for me or direct me to someone in Ghana who is knowledgeable on these matters. I am concerned that it is a scam so I would appreciate your prompt response. Many thanks, D.C.
please write on:
dgcnetemail AT gmail dot com
hi am sam from a pastor n have got community empowering projects going on.pls if u can,send me the actual measurements on the soap making.thank
hi my name is Caesar from Ghana,i search on the INTERNET and cam across your website my name is 25y old and have some little capital and interested in setting up small soap factory .i would be glad if you could give some guide line link me to any of the people you have trained here for assistance.thanks Caesar.pls contact me on
hi my name is Caesar from Ghana,i search on the INTERNET and cam across your website my name is 25y old and have some little capital and interested in setting up small soap factory .i would be glad if you could give some guide line link me to any of the people you have trained here for assistance.thanks Caesar.pls contact me on
Thanks for providing Detergent Soap Plant at a really good price point!
Detergent Soap Machines
Soap Making Plant
Dear kim my name is rukaya idont know how to make soap n I would like to learn
hi KIm, Im paul an evangelist in Cameroon. i would love to get the recipe of making soap for our community. please send to my email at Thank you and may God bless u .
hi Kim this Sammy you doing a great job its my prayer the good lord strengthens you in this great achievements i deal in most of the industrial and mining chemicals and would like to discuss much about the caustic soda and the soda ash light currently i have in stock two containers and wants to supply your firm please get me posted on my email account thanx best of regards sam
Hi Kim,
My name is Gifty, a Pastor's wife from Ghana and I just read your post on soap making. God richly bless you for this great sacrifice and impact. Please, I would request that you send me the measurements for the ingredients as others have already requested through my email address Please, is there a way you could provide support for needy people who want to start this soap making business?
Please, let me hear from you soon. God richly bless u.
Hi am Gifty from Ghana. You doing a great job and God bless you for that. Please kindly send me the measurements of the materials in my email. ladygifty2014
God bless you
Hello Kim. I would like to learn more about soap making. Please contact me on thanks
Hello Kim, thanks for the good work done. Patricia is my name and am a Ghanaian who wants to help the women and youth in my church in soap making (both liquid and bar) and some other vocation you have experience in. Please kindly send me all the necessary information i need to know plus the measurements in my mail
Hi Kim...
I am Abhynha from Ghana. I have started a local soap production at Suhum in the Eastern region. I would be glad to connect with you as we explore various ways to improve on the bar soap while creating some other employment for other people in the community. I appears your post is almost a decade old but i hope this reacges you. Would be glad to hear fom you. My mail is
Contact me to direct you. I also do bar soap. 0273282966
Hello am Francis Amofa...and am a soap maker...pls I need a soap making machine pls u can reach me on 0241542454 or
Thank you
Hy Kim
Am Francis, 25 years of age from Ghana. I know how to manufacture both bar and liquid soap.
Please I need your help to procure moulding and cutting machine. Also I would like you to assist me to get a start-up capital for the setting up of my soap production company.
I know if am able to set up this company, it'll help provide employment avenue for many unemployed women and guys in Ghana.
This is my contact and email :0547617127;
I hope this request of mine will be given the necessary attention.
My name is Raymond Adaagoam, from Ghana and I just read your post on soap making.Please, I would be grateful if you could send me send me the measurements for the ingredients as others have already requested through my email address /
Thank you.
Hello Kim,
My name is Raymond Adaagoam, from Ghana and I just read your post on soap making.Please, I would be grateful if you could send me the measurements for the ingredients as others have already requested through my email address /
Thank you.
Iam Isaac from Asesewa in the upper Manya krobo District and i want someone who will charge and teach my wife how to manufacture bar soap and liquid soap
Sorry I can be contacted on 0240460306
Hello Isaac... I can teach your wife how to make liquid soap, bar soap, bleach(parazone) and hand sanitizer.. Contact me on 0556285072/0561391259. If you call one line and it doesn't go, call the other one
I make soap kindly contact and let's talk 0555072636
Hi Kim am Dorcas from Ghana Kumasi please I want to also make the soap from theory you gave but am stucked with the measurements for the lye, water and oils please can you help me with it through ma mail
Hello my name is Herrita and will want one of the soap making machine kindly contact me on 233-244-783772.Thank you.
Hello,I'm Regina in Ghana and interested in soap making can you please give me the recipe's and measurements in a local way thanks.
hello Rev Regina,my name is Evng. Hope Emmanuel Dzidza and i know how to make liquid soap, washing powder, bar soap with varieties, moringa soap, noni soap,nim soap,aloe vera soap etc. you can contact me on 0248244160
ImI Jessica from Nigeria
I've always wanted to be a soap maker, I'm a single parent please help me
My name is yaw Boateng, from Ghana and I just read your post on soap making.Please, I would be grateful if you could send me send me the measurements for the ingredients as others have already requested through my email address
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